Quarters A
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
“Quarters A” was originally a private home built around 1920 and situated on the historic corridor of Oglethorpe Avenue. The US Navy Supply Corps School purchased the land, and the adjoining 56 acres in the mid-1960s and Quarters A was used as the residence of the Supply School Captain. The University of Georgia purchased the entire complex in 2011 to become the new Health Sciences Campus. Quarters A was singled out to be a reception space for UGA’s president to welcome friends, donors, and alumni.
Over the years, the house had undergone very few modifications and upgrades, with much of the original structure unchanged. In order to be used as a public meeting space, certain elements had to be brought up to current life safety code. This primarily entailed constructing a handicap ramp, egress modifications, fire alarm upgrades, and sprinkler system installation. Minor changes such as new paint, and shoring up some sagging floors were included as well. The building has a visually stunning façade as seen from the street view and is a focal point for the entire Health Sciences Campus.
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